Monday, February 09, 2015

Writing Exercises

     Two years ago or so I began weekly writing exercises with one of my writing partners. This was meant to be an exercise for our creative muses, plus a way to challenge ourselves and push each other to write. I have since begun the method with another writing partner, and this year decided to challenge myself further. Possibly I am a masochist, because in addition to these weekly exercises, I am not writing daily exercises. 365 exercises. I spent nearly a week (Christmas week) coming up with 365 different exercises (though I did repeat a few), which I hoped would challenge me, would excite me to write every day. This ensures that I write something every day for an entire year. 
     I completed January without any hitches, though some days I was not writing my exercises until 10pm, but they were still written. Some brought me new stories, some were out of my comfort zone and I believe read like a mish-mash of words which have no sense. But in addition to these weekly exercises, these daily exercises, I also managed to finish the second draft of a book. So all and all January was busy, but productive. I can only hope this work ethic sticks!
   The real challenge will be in two weeks when I will be in England for eight days. I did not give myself this time off as I also want to work on writing under pressure. Deadlines are not going to wait for me to be ready all the time! I'm also leaning on the fact that in the past I have always been inspired while in England-hoping that remains the same. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Satisfying End: Review of Erin Bowman's Forged

Forged (Taken, #3)Forged by Erin Bowman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One thing I love about literature is its diversity, and the ability for every reader to find "that book" which stamps itself on them and leaves a mark of some emotion. If as readers we are lucky, we find multiple books which leave an impression. For me, the Taken Trilogy found a home. This is the first series with a male protagonist which I have loved since reading Harry Potter (I seem to be picky with my male main characters).
I was anxious to read the final installment after being torn to pieces by the end of the second installment, Frozen, but had faith Erin Bowman would set things right. I had my wish fulfilled, though first I had to read through more gut wrenching scenes and hair yanking suspense, but the ending was a balm for those shattered pieces.
In a world where trust in another could lead to a death sentence, Gray Weathersby clings to those he loves and risks everything to expose the truth which divides the nation. Forged becomes an example of the challenge to humanity when faced with no clear moral answer, and the fortitude of unbreakable bonds between family, friends, and lovers.
This books is fast paced (I finished it in one reading as there was never a good stopping point) with the perfect amount of suspense, humor, and endearing moments. But the true strength of this book can be found in the characters. The entire cast is so well-written, each with their own unique voice and set of quirks, that they linger even after completing the book. I could write more, but there would be spoilers.
If you love books full of suspense, adventure, moments where you want to scream because everything is about to fall apart-then read the Taken trilogy. If you love books with characters who are raw and real and flawed, then read the Taken trilogy. If you love books which present challenges to the human spirit, then read the Taken trilogy. If you loved Hunger Games-read the Taken trilogy. And if you love that big fat thing called cosmic irony-then this series is for you!

View all my reviews ">

Friday, May 23, 2014

Book Series

While I love book series (I seem to gravitate toward them lately), I wish there warning labels on the first book. I've picked up several and was unaware it was the start of a series as the book did not say. It was only after looking at reviews or finding the author on Amazon did I learn certain books were the beginning of series. I would like a nice large label which warns me I am about to embark on the torturous path of waiting for the next book. It will not prevent me from reading book one, or cause me to wait for all books to be published before I read-it would just be nice for my sanity to have a warning. So, now I have lost count of how many books I am waiting on in a series. Book torture is the worst!


I have long been aware of the need for diversity in books, and in particular children's literature. I do not mean only diversity of race, but also of lifestyles, of mental difficulties, of physical disabilities. It saddens me to think a child could search a whole library and be unable to find themselves represented in a book. I applaud every effort to rectify this, to add to the conversation of making diversity something we find in books as simply as we do in life.

Recently, my 5 year old niece asked me a question which made me both smile and want to cry at the same time. She is a beautiful melting pot of Irish, Scottish, Native American, and Hispanic (with a few little strands of French, German and Dutch). While coloring pictures of princesses she was coloring them all with brown hair for her older sister. Though older sister has brown hair, Little Bit has black hair. She asked me if it was alright to color the princess's hair black, even though she is supposed to be blonde. I loved that she was already coloring them differently because it was what she wanted to do, but at the same time I was a bit sad she felt she had to ask if it was alright, if it was wrong for her to change their hair. I wondered then who does she see herself in? Is there a princess she feels represents her? She is an avid bookworm already at 5, and I wonder which literary character will embolden her in their pages? Will she find herself in a book or will she wander the library looking for something she'll never find?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Writing Music

Spent all morning creating a writing playlist on YouTube (even though I have plenty of playlists on my computer). This was well spent time procrastinating as I did find new songs. Must have music to write!

Writing Music